Stats & Facts

Are you interested in specific details about the population, land, housing, businesses and economy of Port Coquitlam?

Statistics Canada Census Summary

According to Statistics Canada, the current population of Port Coquitlam is estimated to be 61,498.

The links below provide breakdowns of census information from Statistics Canada for the City of Port Coquitlam.

2021 Census Information - Statistics Canada
2016 Census Information - Statistics Canada
2011 National Household Survey Information - Statistics Canada

Snapshot of Our City

From its beginnings as a small agricultural town on the Canadian Pacific rail line, Port Coquitlam has grown to a present size of over 61,000 residents.

Here is a quick community snapshot:

  • Land Area: 29.16 square kilometres
  • Housing Stock: 19,689 units (Census 2006)
  • Labour Force: 30,380 people (Census 2006)
  • Unemployment Rate: 4.9% (Census 2006)
  • Population: 52,687 (Census 2006);
  • Climate: Monthly temperatures range from summertime average highs of 20 degrees C to winter average lows of 0 degrees C
  • Annual Rainfall: Average annual precipitation is 1850mm (73 inches)
  • Major Employers: School District 43, CP Rail, Sysco, Lilydale and the City of Port Coquitlam

Annual Reports for the City of Port Coquitlam summarize statistics on new construction, major construction projects, population and dwellings, age distribution and business incorporations. View annual reports.

2022 City Snapshot [PDF/764KB]

2022 Economic Snapshot [PDF/85KB]

Statistical Factsheets

Location and Mailing Address

City Hall Annex, (beside City Hall)
200 – 2564 Shaughnessy Street
Port Coquitlam, BC
V3C 2A8

8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday (excluding statutory holidays)