Property Assessments

If you hold real estate in the City of Port Coquitlam, you are responsible for paying property taxes. City governments use property assessments to determine what tax rate they must set to raise the revenue needed to pay for public services, such as police and fire protection, recreation, parks, road improvements and new infrastructure.

The BC Assessment Authority is the independent Crown agency that assesses the market value of all property in British Columbia.

Property assessment and taxation is two-part process:

  • BC Assessment determines the market value of properties as of July 1, and sends property owners a Property Assessment Notice on December 31.
  • Municipal governments and other tax authorities set tax rates that are applied to the assessed value, and then send property owners a tax notice.

The City of Port Coquitlam determines each year’s property taxes by applying the assessed market value of your property to current tax rates.

Frequently Asked Questions