All businesses, including temporary and home-based businesses, require a valid business licence to operate in Port Coquitlam. If you are starting a business in Port Coquitlam, visit Starting a Business for more information.
Port Coquitlam business owners must renew their business licences every year in January.
Getting Started
Application Process
Business licences are issued for one calendar year, January 1 to December 31. Staff will review your application to make sure it is complete and will forward the application to the appropriate City staff for approval.
To apply for a licence, complete an application form and bring it to the Business Licensing Division at City Hall Annex with the required information and fee (see below).
Applications are available:
- From the Business Licensing Division at City Hall Annex
- In PDF format below
Download Applications
Approval and Inspections
The approvals required will depend on the type of business activity, and may include inspections by City staff or approval from Fraser Health. Once all approvals are received, the Business Licence will be mailed to you.
Once you have a business licence, you will automatically receive a renewal notice in late November of each year. Licence renewals are due on or before December 31st.
Renewals are mailed out or if you have a MyPortCoquitlam account, you have the option of receiving your renewal electronically. When you sign up, you will be able to access information about your business licence 24/7 from your desktop or any mobile device. As an added convenience, you will have the ability to pay for your annual renewal online. For more information or to register, visit MyPortCoquitlam.
Contact us if you have not received your renewal invoice by early December. It is the business owner’s responsibility to ensure that the payment is made on time. Payments received after December 31st may be subject to a $25 penalty for home-based businesses and $50 for all other business types.