Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) provide an option for detached, ground-oriented, infill housing for RS-zoned lots. Also known as a coach house, laneway home, or detached garden suite, an ADU provides an additional dwelling on a lot that is separate from a new or existing detached principal dwelling.
This webpage provides information about the specific requirements and approval processes for building an accessory dwelling unit.
Accessory Dwelling Units in Port Coquitlam
- Are self-contained accessory dwellings at the rear of residential lots
- Are small homes with a maximum size of 90 m2 (968 ft2)
- May be at street level or above a garage or carport
- May not be the principal dwelling on a lot
- May not be subdivided or stratified
- Can be rented, but cannot contain a secondary suite
Neighbourhood Fit
- Port Coquitlam’s design guidelines promote high quality design and ensure a good fit with the neighbourhood. They cover:
- Appearance and scale
- Compatibility with surrounding homes
- Privacy of neighbours
- Lighting
- Landscaping
- On-site parking