Market Application

Apply to showcase your business or organization as a market vendor at City events! Our markets offer local businesses a platform to exhibit their products and services to thousands of event attendees.

First & Last Name
Contact Information
What market are you applying to?
Takes place in May, applications close March 31
Takes place July 1, applications close May 31
Takes place in September, applications close July 31
Takes place in late November/early December, applications close October 31
What will you be selling?
Are you selling food? We only allow ready-to-eat, shelf-stable prepared food or drink products (pre-packaged, single-serve, lower-risk food) in which no cooking or preparation is required onsite to be sold at our markets.
Do you agree to submit a Temporary Food Premises Permit or Approval from Fraser Health?
You will be required to submit a Temporary Food Premises Permit or Approval from Fraser Health before being approved for the market.
Only food prepared in a commercial-based kitchen will be accepted for the market.
Are you selling pre-packaged alcohol?
Do you agree to submit a Market Authorization from the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch?
You will be required to submit a Market Authorization from the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch before being approved for the market.
Will you bring your own table for your setup?
Will you bring your own tent and tent weights?
Tent and weights are required for all outdoor markets: May Days Market, Canada Day Market, and Car Free Day Market. Tent and weights are not required for Winter Market, as it is indoors.
One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, jpeg, jpg, png.
Do you require electricity?
Electricity is limited. Granted on a first come first served basis. Microwaves are not permitted.
Market Vendor Fee
Do you agree to purchase $2 Million in Commercial General Liability Insurance, naming the City of Port Coquitlam as an additional insured?
For Winter Market only: Do you agree to donate one of your products to be offered as a giveaway for market attendees?
Do you authorize the City of Port Coquitlam to use photos of your products, booth, and business name on our website?
You will be required to submit a copy of your Commercial General Liability Insurance if selected for the market. 

Market Policies and Procedures

  1. I understand that vendor fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. If I cannot attend, I will notify the market manager and forfeit my fees. I understand I cannot swap my booth with another vendor. All vendors must apply and be approved by the market manager. Refunds and credits are ONLY provided if the market manager cancels or postpones the market.
  2. I understand that market hours are pre-set. I will attend and stay for the whole duration of the market. I will also arrive and my table will be ready and set up for customers when doors open. I also understand the takedown time is limited.
  3. I understand that the market manager will create the floor plan and special requests will be heard and accommodated, only when possible.
  4. I agree that supporting marketing and promotion efforts is important to the success of the market. If accepted to the market, I will promote the market on my social media channels.
  5. For prepared food vendors - I agree to have all of the proper Fraser Health paperwork and provide it to the Market Manager.
  6. I understand that if I do not pay the market fee by the deadline indicated, the market manager will move to the next vendor on their waitlist. My spot is only guaranteed once payment is made.

Personal information entered on this form is collected under the authority of Section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) for the purposes of processing your input. If you have any questions or concerns about the collection of this information, please contact the City’s Records and FOIPPA Administrator at 604.927.5250 or [email protected].