Want to start a business in the City of Port Coquitlam? Here are some resources to help you get started.
Before you lease or buy space for your business, or obtain a business licence, confirm that the property is suitably zoned for your intended use.
- Check PoCoMAP to determine the property’s zoning, and then check for permitted uses in that zone in the City’s zoning bylaw. The zoning bylaw includes specific regulations for home-based businesses.
- If you own or plan to buy a space but it is not properly zoned, visit the Rezoning webpage for information.
- Contact the Planning Division at 604.927.5442 or [email protected] if you have any questions about permitted uses on a property.
- BizPaL is an online service that tells you what potential permits and licences your business will need from all levels of government.
- BC’s OneStop Business Registry Services Centre allows registration for business licences and some provincial and federal business registration requirements. Info: 1.877.822.6727.
- Canada Revenue Agency provides helpful tax information for businesses.
All businesses require a business licence to operate in Port Coquitlam, including temporary, non-resident and home-based businesses. Licences are issued for one calendar year and expire each December 31.
- Visit the Business Licensing page for details about getting your licence.
- Annual licence renewals can be online.
- Intermunicipal business licences are available for mobile businesses based in Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam and Port Moody that operate throughout the Tri-Cities.
- Port Coquitlam Business Improvement Association (BIA) supports and promotes the interests of businesses and licenced business operators of downtown Port Coquitlam. Membership is free. All business owners and operators who rent or own commercial space within the BIA’s boundaries are automatically members. The BIA hosts the annual Downtown Car Show and takes part in a number of other promotions and activities.
- Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce supports and promotes businesses in Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam and Port Moody through promotional activities, referrals, networking events, insurance plans, seminars and workshops.
- Canada Business Network – federal government services and resources for businesses.
- Small Business BC – a resource centre for products and services for BC entrepreneurs.
- Small Business Accelerator – curated by professional librarians, providing resources to research a business idea.
- Innovate BC – Provincial crown agency that connects entrepreneurs to funding, resources, and support. Innovate BC supports all sectors, all over the province.