Your site may be inspected as part of your approval and monitoring process. Your project must comply with applicable regulations and permit conditions at all times.
After review, the Approving Officer or Deputy Approving Officer will execute the Highway Use Permit, taking into consideration the completion of the document, security, nature of the project, truck route map etc. The applicant will be provided a copy for their records.
If your project requires an extension, you must apply to renew your permit at least 10 working days before your permit expires.
To renew your permit, please provide the applicable application renewal fee (see Highway Bylaw) and update all applicable specifications as necessary to identify any changes to site conditions and to demonstrate compliance with current bylaws and regulations.
If the Highway Use Permit is associated with a Building Permit, the Development Engineering Department must receive notification of final inspection from the Building Division before initiating the final engineering inspection.
For all other releases, the Engineering Division must receive written communication indicating completion of the project and request for inspection.
Confirmation from a registered professional may also be required for release of securities, such as a Soil Removal and Deposit Permit. The security release must be approved by Port Coquitlam’s Engineering Inspector and Deputy and Approving Officers and will be released to the depositor.