Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing Development Permits

Properties zoned RS1, RS2, RS3 and RS4 are designated as Development Permit Areas in the Official Community Plan (OCP) to ensure the form and character of dwellings and landscaping will be in keeping with their neighbourhood setting and small-scale character.

New dwellings are to be designed to fit the scale of the neighbourhood and create a welcoming and compatible street presence, where a high quality of design, building materials and landscaping is encouraged.  Attention should be given to retaining healthy trees and vegetation and using hard and soft landscape treatments to enhance privacy between the adjoining dwelling units.

New duplexes, developments with 3 or more dwellings or accessory dwelling units (ADU) require a Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) Development Permit (DP) before a building permit can be issued.

Other application processes

Other application processes – such as rezoning, development variance permit or subdivision applications – may run concurrently, but separate applications are required for each process and approvals may be required before a DP can be approved

Get Started

Application Process

Submit a complete application and checklist for both a Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing Development Permit [PDF/385KB] and Building Permit, with applicable fees (see below). A primary contact for all communication regarding the application must be appointed at the time of application. Staff are only able to accept complete applications. Please note that both the Development Permit and Building Permit applications will be reviewed concurrently.

Approval Process

Staff will review of the application to ensure compliance with the Zoning Bylaw, the OCP design guidelines and objectives and other applicable regulations.