Emergency Preparedness

An emergency can arise quickly and without warning. Residents should be prepared to be on their own for at least 72 hours in an emergency, be it a power outage, severe storm, flood, earthquake or other emergency.

Port Coquitlam’s Emergency Preparedness Program prepares civic employees, residents and businesses for the effects of a disaster or major emergency.

The City has trained employees in emergency operations and personal family preparedness, and has obtained a variety of resources to assist the community in the event of an emergency.

Volunteers are at the heart of the program, assisting with key services such as free community safety session courses, Emergency Support Services and amateur radio communications.

Personal & Business Preparedness

Are you prepared for an emergency or disaster? Learn more and review our comprehensive, user-friendly EP guide for residents.


To stay informed during emergencies, sign up to receive City emergency alerts through Alertable.

Extreme Weather

Learn more about being weather ready year-round. Extreme weather conditions can affect Port Coquitlam throughout the year.


Port Coquitlam proactively takes steps to prepare for the safety of residents and businesses in the event of a flood.
emergency preparedness items and checklist

Free Community Safety Courses

We offer free community safety courses covering emergency preparedness, basic fire suppression, and crime prevention.