Personal & Business Preparedness

Emergency services and utilities may not be available for several days after an emergency such as a power outage, severe storm, flood or earthquake. You and your family should be prepared to survive on your own for at least 72 hours after disaster strikes.

The most important thing you can do is be prepared, stay calm, and follow instructions from emergency personnel.

Emergency Preparedness Guide for Residents

If a disaster happened right now, would everyone in your family know what to do at home, school or work?

Our comprehensive, user-friendly EP guide for residents,  Are You Prepared [PDF/6.5MB], brings together all the information you need in one place so you are prepared before, during and after a disaster.

Download Our EP Guide [PDF/6.5MB]

Printed copies of the guide are also available at City Hall, #1 Fire Hall (1725 Broadway Street) and other City facilities.

Free Community Safety Courses

Did you know? We offer free community safety courses covering emergency preparedness, basic fire suppression, and crime prevention.

Sign Up

More Resources

Emergency Preparedness Guide for Businesses

Businesses have a critical role to play in our community’s recovery if a large-scale emergency occurs. In times of disaster, the City of Port Coquitlam will take a leadership role in providing support to the incident site while working to restore services. It will be important that local businesses recover quickly so they can help to support the community by providing goods and services.

Disaster Response and Recovery

The City maintains a list of goods and services available from local businesses following a large-scale emergency. Participating businesses receive information on how to complete monetary claims for goods and services provided.

Download EP Toolkit for Businesses [PDF/2.5MB]