This page provides information about obtaining a Building Permit for a new accessory building such as a garage or shed on property zoned Single Family (RS), Two Family (RD) or Agricultural (A).
A Building Permit is required when you wish to add to or construct a new detached accessory building that is over a 100 square feet or considered a hazard.
Why get a Building Permit?
Building permits are required before you build, demolish, repair or alter most buildings, decks, mezzanines, retaining walls, garages, carports, secondary suites, swimming pools, plumbing, sprinklers, furnaces or structures in the City of Port Coquitlam.
It is important to get a Building Permit before beginning your project to:
Protect the safety of occupants,
Ensure you won’t have to tear your work down and start over with the required permits,
Avoid additional permits and fees incurred if you build without a permit,
Reassure buyers who avoid purchasing buildings with unauthorized construction,
Maintain the value of your home, and
Ensure any new buildings and structures comply with all building regulations including the Building and Plumbing Bylaw, the BC Building Code and Zoning Bylaw regulations.
Check PoCoMAP for property information such as zoning, land use under the Official Community Plan (OCP) and flood construction levels.
Identify any encumbrances registered on title, such as easements, right of way, restrictive covenants and land use contracts, by contacting the BC Land Title Offices at 604.660.2595. If your site is on a floodplain, you may also need to obtain and geotechnical report and check the property title through the BC Land Titles Office.
Ensure your project is designed to comply with building regulations including the BC Building Code and City bylaws such as the Building and Plumbing Bylaw and the Zoning Bylaw. The structure is to comply with the setback, site coverage, total combined floor area, height, clearance to main structure, and other requirements in the Zoning Bylaw.
Note that setbacks for accessory buildings are measured from the property line to the overhang, not the property line to the exterior walls.
If your building does not confirm to the siting requirements the Zoning Bylaw you may need at apply to the Board of Variance.
Please refer to the application checklist that is part of the Building Permit Application Form [PDF/364KB]. You can submit this form and checklist at the Building Division offices (see below).
A builder contractor must have a valid business licence with the City of Port Coquitlam before a Building Permit can be issued. Please see the Business Licensing page for more information on applying for a business licence.
Please contact the Building Division for application processing time estimates.
Building Permit fees are based on the value of construction with a non-refundable 50% charge due at the time of application. The remainder is due when the permit is issued. The permit fee doubles if work has started without a Building Permit being issued. The fee is reduced if a registered architect or professional engineer had provided stamped building drawings for the design. Application fees are non-refundable.
The Planning Division or Engineering & Operations Department may require fees and securities, due before the Building Permit is issued.
A Highway Use Permit deposit may be required. This charge is refundable, if no damage has occurred to City property during the development of the project. Deposit amounts vary depending on development.
Security deposits are payable by of cash, cheque or direct payment. No credit card payments are permitted.
Any work without a permit will result in increased fees.
Staff Review
Depending on the complexity of the Building Permit application, the Building Division may circulate the application for review by the Planning Division, Fire Department and Engineering & Operations. If the application does not comply with all bylaw and code requirements, staff will provide a written list of resubmission requirements, in the form of the Plan Review Letter.
Permit Issuance
Once all application requirements have been met and all associated approvals have been obtained, you will be notified that your Building Permit is ready to be issued. Any outstanding fees are due at time of permit pickup.
Construction Inspection
At various stages of the project, a Building Inspector will inspect forms, under slab, framing, insulation, occupancy, and final inspection. Permit holders are responsible for booking inspections online via a MyPortCoquitlam account.
Final Inspection
All documentation from all the registered professionals must be received by the Building Division prior to the scheduling of the final inspection. You must also confirm that each individual permit issued in conjunction with the Building Permit has received final inspection and there are no outstanding deficiencies. A final inspection can be booked via your MyPortCoquitlam account.
Post Construction
After a passed final inspection, the Building Inspector will notify Engineering & Operations, which will then conduct their final inspection (if applicable) and, when appropriate, release the security for the Highway Use Bond.